Why Pomatomus?

Because the yarn is called ‘Neopolitan’ and the fish scale pattern suggests scoops of ice cream to me.

Because I’ve just knit two plain pairs of stocking stitch socks and want something a bit more challenging

Because the next bit on the Squares Jacket involves sewing, and I hate sewing.

Because two of my craft night friends are knitting it, and after being too sick to go out for weeks I’m craving some sort of social interaction – even just knitting what others are knitting. (Pathetic, isn’t it?)

Because I’m nuts.

It’s varigated yarn and a textured pattern – I usually avoid this combo like the plague. It’s a top-down sock pattern – I haven’t knit one since my first pair of socks. It uses a lace chart – I’ve never used a lace chart before. Knitty rates it as ‘piquant’ and the pattern begins with: ‘Step up the difficulty level of your socks…’ – have I forgotten how much the Jaywalker pattern drove me insane?

But I have a delusion that if I stick exactly to the pattern it’ll work. Which accounts for knitting them top-down. And using 2.75mm dpns. I can’t believe how thick these needles feel after using 2mm dpns.

I’ve already encountered chart-reading frustration. First I missed the line saying “Work Rounds 2-22 of Chart A.”. It took me hours to work out that one. Then I spend a while working out that I’d started Chart B instead. Fortunately that didn’t result in any frogging.

6 thoughts on “Why Pomatomus?

  1. I’ve been considering an attempt at this pattern. I shall watch your progress with great interest, and decide if I am insane/brave enough to try the pattern for myself.

    By the way, you may want to check your postbox. Just a thought.

    Your Secret Pal

  2. I ADORE the colour of the wool you chose! I love the sock pattern, but I’m only a beginner, so will avoid these till I feel a bit more confident LOL. I’ll keep an eye out for your progress 🙂

  3. I just frogged mine last night! It’d been sitting there untouched for over a week cause I did row 2 of Chart A and ended up finishing the pattern before the row nad didn’t have the energy to work out why! I think I too shall just watch! and i’m going to try the RPM instead!

  4. I have just had 7 weeks off work with a broken foot (madly knitting), and have been desiring that very sock pattern! I have now knitted 3 pairs of socks, but, like sandra, am not yet quite brave enough.
    I’m working on a lacey thing at the moment though, so hopefully soon!
    Do show us pictures of your progress, please.

  5. I had to frog my first pomatomus sock two or three times (blogged that in Feb for the Winter Olympic challenged) but once I grokked it, it flew. They are right pretty socks! 🙂

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