Creation… destruction

In the last few weeks the only work I’ve managed to do on the Squares Jacket was to join the shoulder seams with a three-needle bind off, and sew in some of the ends.

My head’s still a little too done in to attempt picking up stitches for the sleeves, so I thought I might try the button band. Turns out it’s not one of those pick up stitches and knit sideways ones, but a cast on 8 stitches and knit a long strip to be sewn on later kind. That sounds do-able.

It also got me thinking about buttons. I think a little button shopping is in order.

Now, here’s something you don’t see every day (I hope). The beau cut a cross section off the beams that used to hold the roof of our garage up. I think we’re gonna frame it.

Termites don’t make good house guests.

4 thoughts on “Creation… destruction

  1. Mmmm, termites….
    I spent a couple of hours at the spinners’ guild today and a woman there had some what I now realise is mega boots stretch… argh! It was an orange/yellow/green mix. I want some!

  2. Yukky termites! I didn’t realise they went that far south.

    Nice knitting, enjoy your band.

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