Magic Ball Scarf #1

Remember this scarf I started ages ago from ‘magic balls’ of scrap yarn cut into lengths and tied together? The one I decided wasn’t worth the pain of knitting, so I pulled it apart?

Well, I decided to weave the yarn instead. I started with the black/grey/white yarn, but pretty soon realised that I wouldn’t have enough for a full scarf. Looking through my stash and pulling out odd balls of colours that might suit, I had a sudden flash of inspiration. Triangles in bright colours and black have been trendy for a while. I could achieve the look using clasped weft. So I got to work, using black and blue yarn:

In the middle section I added some dark grey yarn with flecks, then I added triangles of green and black before finishing off the magic ball yarn:

I’m rather pleased with the result. The flat, geometric colours contrast nicely with the looser, monochromatic fringed ends. There’s a cosiness about the scarf that is appealing.

I haven’t decided what to do with the smaller multicolour ball of yarn. Maybe clasped weft again, but this time in a random pattern so I can get the knots of the magic ball to fall at one edge so the ends form a fringe. But it’ll have to wait, as I was very optimistic when I put the warp on for the first magic ball scarf and put on enough for two scarves. In black – and navy would be a better match for the second magic ball scarf.

So I’ve started another scarf using icord made on my “Embellish-knit” i-cord doover. And since I ran out of i-cord after about 20 cm of weaving, I’m going to have to crank out a whole lot more to get enough for scarf. But is is proving to be a fun way to use up extraneous balls of sock yarn.