Conversations With My Cat

“So, Peri Peri, did you miss me while I was up in the new workroom this afternoon, spinning and chatting with the lovely Natasha and Danielle and having a wonderful time?”


“Were you satisfied with the quantity of attention you attracted when we returned to the lounge to eat cake, slice and cookies with our tea?”


“Did the level of patting and scruffing satisfy you? Was there adoration worthy of your high cuteness status?”


“Was… what’s this? Did you hide the chocolates that Natasha brought so I would forget to serve them with the tea?”


“That’s terrible! What do you mean ‘now you can scoff them all yourself’?! I would never…!”


“Why you evil… noisy… distracting… cute… what was I saying? Oh yeah.”

Thanks for bringing the chocolate, Natasha. Sorry about forgetting to serve them with the tea. I’m a bit embarassed about that.

4 thoughts on “Conversations With My Cat

  1. To Be honest I was so ovewhelmed with home made baked goods that I forgot I even brought them. Your Anzac bikkies were sooo good! Just add them to the stash..

  2. Ooooh, they would impart a yummy chocolatey scent to the yarn… and make me hungry while I’m knitting. Hmm, maybe I’ll just eat them!

  3. I meant your chocolate stash – I presume you have one going by some of the photos we’ve seen recently..

  4. Lol! I’m afraid I eat chocolate a lot faster than I knit yarn, so chocolate stash tends to have a tragically short lifespan.

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