Another Petition… but before you rush over there

Over on the Come On Knitpicks site a few days ago was a comment with a link to a Bendigo Mills – please get a website! petition. I went to the site, filled in the form, then ended up on a page asking for a donation.

Having had many, many computer nerd friends over the years, I’m always wary of handing over money to websites I don’t really know much about. I certainly didn’t know if this petition site was worth donating too. So I left the check boxes for the various donation amounts unchecked and clicked “continue”.

At which point the site decided I would be donating $10 and somehow hooked the information that I use the beau’s Paypal account out of my computer and put his name up.

Alarm bells were ringing at this point, so I just closed the window and warned the beau that if a request for approval of a Paypal charge of $10 came through, he should block it. I expected that my name wouldn’t appear on the petition, but it has, along with 47 other names. And the beau hasn’t reported any shonky Paypal transactions.

So I’m not sure if I should recommend people go there and sign it or not. Maybe go there, sign it, then just close the window after you submit your name. For all that the site’s setup screams ‘shonky!’ at me, I do like the idea of Bendy receiving hundreds of request for them to step into this century and get a website.

5 thoughts on “Another Petition… but before you rush over there

  1. I’ve signed it and noticed at the top of the donation screen it said my name had been added. I just closed it then, instead of hitting continue. Seemed to do the trick. I really hope they do a website – but my credit card doesn’t!

  2. Online petitions really don’t seem to work very well. however an online petition for an online knitting shop may help.

  3. Wha? Why on earth should we pay for something like that? I mean – yes – petition is a good idea but asking for money – not so flash.

  4. i too was a bit wary (and nearly got stung for $10 the same way you did) Happy to lend moral support, but would rather spend money on other things….

  5. Sounds like we all pretty much had the same experience at the petitions thing – I nearly had a kitten on the spot… If everyone gave $10 then they would be SOOOO rich! What a scam!

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