Unholy Smoke!

Here’s a picture of the valley our house looks over today:

(There’s a freeway tunnel being built down there, which is why there’s an enormous crane in the pic.)

It was much smokier this morning. And my parents, who live furher east, said they had three metre visibility in their back yard when they first looked outside.

On days like this, my throat burns. Which means I close all the windows and door, and the blinds to help keep out the heat, and hibernate inside all day. This would be a good time to get lots of knitting done, except that I pulled a muscle in my neck this week and have been stiff and in a lot of pain ever since. I’m doing a bit at a time. Making progress ever so slowly.

And between times I’m drooling over the latest issue of Knitty. I lurve Eiffel. Twinkletoes is so darn cute I might just have to knit a pair. I’m not into knitted bags, but Brown Bag is strangely appealing. And do you think people would look at me funny if I made myself an adult sized Piggle?

3 thoughts on “Unholy Smoke!

  1. That smoke is very scary! We have friends who will probably lose their house at Dargo. Fingers crossed for everyone XXX

  2. Trudi it’s far too hot to knit today. I’ve half-heartedly done a few rounds of a beanie i’m doing for a friend. Then i realised that i’d rather have a G & T, or 3.

  3. Ah, yes, I discovered the delights of the G&T last year. Refreshing *and* a good liquid pain killer!

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