First Craft Day of 2013

Yesterday the lovely Karen and Michael hosted the first Craft Day of the year. I tried out the crime scene cookie cutters Paul gave me for Christmas the day before so I could contribute to the general sugar intake:

Dead tasty.

There was quilting, stamp carving, cooking and the sewing of 50s dresses:

The first project I tackled is a knee blanket made from swatches from flannelette fabric blind sample book. Yes. That’s right. Flannelette blinds. They are – or more likely were – a thing. I’m sewing them together in the same way as this strip quilt tutorial, but not cutting them into strips.

I also brought some stamp carving supplies, so when the lovely Beky arrived and produced her own, I put aside the blanket so we could work together. After making a very simple demo fish, I decided to try making a bookplate stamp. After several hours of delicate carving, I did a test print. Then started laughing.

So, what’s wrong with this picture?