Work In Progress

Remember how I threw four packets of seeds into the driveway garden bed a few months back? Well, very few plants grew (and I suspect some of them are weeds). A few weeks ago we were excited to see three sunflower plants growing vigorously. Two have since disappeared. One was broken at the base of the stem – I suspect one of us knocked it down with a car because it’s right where we reverse to turn ours around. The other… who knows?

But one is flowering:

Plenty more flowers to come:

Must remember that car reversing problem when it comes to doing a more permanent planting in that bed.

I’ve put a new project list up in the sidebar. I’m warping the loom half an hour at a time so I don’t strain my back.

And I’ve started a cardigan on the knitting machine:

I’ll have to do a post about how I came to choose the pattern. Lots of false starts.

Whenever I get the machine out and working, I always wonder why I don’t use it more often. The answer is that I did most of my knitting while watching tv in the evening, of course. The machine needs a table, can’t be moved easily once it’s set up, makes too much noise, and you have to look at what you’re doing.

And finally, here are some Slinky paws:

It’s flattering when a cat decides to sit on your lap even on a really hot day, isn’t it?