Swine Flu Masque

The beau and I went to Adelaide for the recent long weekend, to a convention where one of the events is a masquerade, which is usually a disco plus costume sort of thing. The theme of the masquerade was ‘the future of the future’.

That put me in mind of robots and lycra bodysuits, which really isn’t my thing, so I’d decided not to dress up. It’s not compulsary. But then, at the last moment I spotted this:

Swine Flu Masque by Homero Luna & David Castillo. (Unfortunately, when I washed it after the event, the blue cotton of the nostrils bled, but I doubt I’ll get a second chance to wear it – swine flu is already becoming Old News.)

It was a bit hit and got many laughs.

And had a special irony for me, as I suspect I would have been better off catching swine flu than the flu/cold/whatever I did catch. From what I’ve heard and read, it takes a couple of weeks to get over swine flu if you’re ‘young’ and healthy. I’ve lost five weeks because of the bug I had, and though I managed to gain a three week extension to my work deadline I’m going to have to work weekends and evenings until the end of July to make it.

My back is already acting up, and RSI would be a disaster right now. So there may not be much knitting, crochet or weaving going on around here. But there may be lots of stress-relieving stash aquisition.

And I’ve ordered something special and a bit indulgent to cheer myself up, that should arrive late next week. I can’t wait to show you!

2 thoughts on “Swine Flu Masque

  1. Ha! I love this! (It reminded me of a friend of mine at school whose last name is Hogg… he liked to joke that the swine flu was all his fault!)

  2. That is cute. Just tell people the fading is caused by the constant runny nose.

    We've still got out breaks of 'the Suewee Flueee' going on in Texas! Did you see the post in my blog of my co-worker and how she tried to get out of work during the big out break? She Scotch Taped her nose up toward her forehead and told the Asst. Principal she had to go home. She's a nutter!

    Ha, I just noticed my word veri…. coldb

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