Canadian Yarn Crawl?

I must be a glutton for punishment. Somehow all those plane flights I’ve been on haven’t deterred me. Or maybe this cold/flu we picked up in Perth has addled our brains.

The beau and I are planning a trip to Canada.

Worldcon in Montreal is the main reason for the trip, but you know how it goes: break the long flight over by stopping in Hawaii for a few days, spend some time in New York so I can visit my publisher’s office there and perhaps do a bit of publicity, join friends who are organising the driving tour in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, may as well duck down to Toronto and Niagra Falls… next thing you have quite a trip planned. But when you have to endure sitting in a plane for 24 hours to get somewhere, you may as well see a few things while you’re there.

Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, the Sock Summit is on the same weekend as Worldcon. I did get all excited when I realised there was a knitting cruise in Alaska that I could have tacked on the end. But when the travel agent made enquiries it turned out you have to book into the cruise and then hope you manage to get a place in the classes once you get on board. Forget that! I’m not travelling halfway around the globe for a knitting cruise if there’s a risk I’ll miss out on the knitting part!

So… anybody got any recommendations for a) hotels in New York and Toronto, b) not-to-be-missed yarn stores?

5 thoughts on “Canadian Yarn Crawl?

  1. no recommendations from me, but I am INSANELY jealous! 🙂 Canada is top of my Must See list!

  2. A tax deductable yarn crawl – man am I envious of that! Pity about the knitting cruise, though.

  3. No suggestions in those parts of the world, but if you ever get to the Dallas area, don’t miss The Woolie Ewe, in Plano, Texas.

  4. So envious! Wish I could give recommendations for Toronto, but can for NY – Purl Soho – lovely jewelbox of a store – and Knitty City – fabulous store, great range, very friendly people (it was my favourite). I didn’t go to, and regret it, Schoolhouse Products and Habu – I would definitely go there if I found myself in NY again.

  5. I can’t help you for Toronto and NY as far as yarn stores go, but there are quite a few good ones in Montreal. Check out the Montreal Knits group on Ravelry, there’s a page with all the addresses.

    Re: Hotel in NY. I’m going next month and I’ll be staying at this hotel:

    I don’t know if it’s a good one, but the price was right for us 🙂

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