Let’s talk about socks, baby

After a session with the osteo yesterday I felt much, much better. Suddenly I can think clearly. Amazing how pain and pain-killers can reduce your brain to wimpering, gabbling mush.

I cast on another pair of socks. To my surprise, they aren’t made of the luscious Sunshine Yarns, Lisa Souza or Yarniverous wool. They’re not even made of the Regia I have at the bottom of the stash (ah, remember the days when Opal and Regia were irrisistably exciting?).

No, they’re plain old olive tweedy St. Ives socks. You see, I’m making my beau his first pair, and since I expect these to be the ones I’ll make all the mistakes with (and he turned his nose up at the Regia) I’m using the cheaper, more robust St. Ives.

It was a bit of shock to the sytem. I’m not used to knitting for sane, normal-sized feet. As I was knitting the toe – using the figure 8 cast on and then increasing to make the toe so it would be easier to rip back if I made them too big – I kept thinking my calculations must be wrong. These socks can’t be this big. Even the osteo commented on the size of them. (Though when I said what I’d knitted was the toe, I think he had a moment’s mental image that it was for one, single toe and I would have to go on and knit four more. That would be a big sock.)

But the beau tried it on last night and it fit perfectly. He doesn’t have huge feet. Just normal blokey-sized feet for a guy his height. It’s just that my feet are ridiculously narrow. I placed the toe of a Jaywalker sock next to Beau Sock #1 and it was about 2/3 the size.

Bizarrely, the beau’s socks are knitting up amazingly fast. I’m already up to the instep shaping. I’d post a pic but Blogger’s image importer isn’t working today.

So it looks like I can justify taking another ball of sock yarn with me to Canberra. I’ve narrowed the choice down to three: Lynne’s stripey yarn, Lisa Souza’s mahogany or the Mega Boots Stretch. The first and third have the advantage of containing blue, so qualify as June’s Project Spectrum project.

Decisions, decisions.

One thought on “Let’s talk about socks, baby

  1. I’d encourage you to take the Mega Boot Stretch, but then, I’m biased.

    Have a good long weekend!

    Your Secret Pal

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