
She is done!

The front:

The back:

Pattern: Sylvi from Twist Collective Winter 2008, which is one of the few patterns I’ve ordered online.
Yarn: Patons Inca
Modifications: Left off the hood. Finished the cabled back by changing the last thick stem into a thinner one then ending with another leaf. Joined all pieces then cast off neck edge. Knit a longer sleeve cuff for the collar and sewed on.

Knit and sewed on three ‘leaf frog’ closures from Knitting Beyond the Edge by Nicky Epstein (page 119), and two single leaf motifs for the sleeve cuffs.

Conclusion: Oh Sylvi, how I love you. (It has to be love, otherwise why else knit a bulky weight coat in the middle of an Aussie summer?)

I have one and a bit balls of yarn left and I’m tempted to knit a hat to match (something like this). But would that be too matchy-matchy?

12 thoughts on “Sylvi

  1. oh wow. You should so love it. Absolutely. It’s gorgeous. The colour, the texture, the detail, the fit. Perfect!

    I like matchy-matchy!

  2. WOW it’s fantastic – I love the collar modification you have done – and I vote with Bells – go the hat!
    Great work

  3. Sylvi is fabulous, and what’s more, she looks good when worn. I like the hat, make a hat too, it’s perfect!!

  4. Looks great! Go with the hat… they had a hood.. it’s not too much. I love the closures. I’m going to have to give that book a closer look. I’m always looking for some kind of unique closure. Now you have all fall and winter to enjoy it. Way to go!

  5. That looks wonderful. Great colour, great fit, and great modifications. You’ve used your skills so well. You’ll get a lot of use from this terrific piece.

  6. It looks fantastic – and so does the hat! I think a hat works better than a hood.

    I am in awe of your achievements 😉

  7. The hat will look excellent and the matchy-matchy will look great.

    The jacket looks fantastic.

  8. Oh it is so fantastic! The colour is great, the modifications perfect – what a great job, now wonder you are so pleased with yourself. I hope you can wear it lots.

  9. wow, looks fantastic, and great use of Inca! Excellent timing, now you won’t miss any cold weather opportunities to wear it.

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