
January sure has been a busy month for me, with a lot of time away from home. I got a lot of knitting done on the first trip, but no more than a few rows of a sock on the second.

In between trips I finished this:

Last Easter our local Kmart sold ‘dalek’ easter eggs. The packaging contained a little device that, when pressed, let out a loud “exterminate! exterminate”. So when I knit the base of my Extermiknit! dalek, I left a little circular hole, inserted the device, then sewed on a circular patch.

Then I gave it to the beau as a late Christmas present. He seems rather chuffed with it, occasionally patting the dalek as he walks by, to which it protests ‘exterminate!’ loudly, and scares the cat.

Fortunately I don’t seem to have any trips coming up until early March, so I have all February free to get back into the knitting and weaving. I’ve still got a front and the back of Sylvi to knit, and this new plain sock, and I’ve yet to take the denim rag rug off the loom. And two weeks of blog reading to catch up on. Plenty to keep this arty-crafty gal occupied.

7 thoughts on “Extermiknit!

  1. Holy cow, that’s amazing! I love it, and my husband would go nuts over that.

    BTW, have you seen the Tardis USB hub that lights up and makes the whooshing noises? Yep, it brightens up my day everytime I plug peripherals into my computer.

  2. 2paw – oh, yes, it is most definitely too hot. Got to 40 in my workroom yesterday. Top for Melbourne: 45. But I was huddled under the downstairs aircon, reading knitting and weaving books.

    Jodi – yep, I’ve seen those. I’m keeping it in mind as a present for the beau. But he made us a Tardis pantry, with flashing lights and all, and almost everything pales compared to that!

  3. Trudi, that is just fantastic. I have some Dr Who fans in the family who would love one of those. What a great idea!

  4. looks brilliant. I meant to make that for Ian for xmas too, but didn’t quite get there. Will have to tackle it soon 🙂

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