Stash Flash (KFYS 2009 Begins!)

It’s that time of year again. The time of year for flashin’ the stash. I could just show you this:

But photographing the stash when it’s all tidily packed away doesn’t really show the true size of it. And it’s useful during a big stash diet to have more detailed pics. During KFYS 2007 I took pics showing all my yarn so I could cross it out as I used it. I also found that noting if I had a purpose for a yarn was also useful.

So here’s the stash broken into three bigger pics – with my notes:

Oh, and I almost forgot my yarn for Alex, which has been sitting in a separate bag ready to start:

There are some smaller projects I haven’t noted, for the sake of the pics not getting too crowded, and because my priority is getting large ones done. I didn’t separate weaving yarns from knit/crochet ones because there are some yarns that I could do either with, and I might try a yarn for weaving and find it’s not suitable.

Looking at the stash photos, I’m a little bothered by all the small batches of yarn with no purpose. But already I’m getting little sparks of ideas for combining and using them without ending up with yet more hats, scarves or gloves. I may end up with too many woven rugs and blankets instead, but I suspect it may be easier to find them homes, especially as winter draws near.

4 thoughts on “Stash Flash (KFYS 2009 Begins!)

  1. oh WOW! I want to roll around in it all! Impressive stash, and I love how everything has an intended project.

  2. Yep, every ball of yarn had a destiny when I bought it. Well, except for my handspun – that was more a matter of ‘ooh, pretty colours’!

  3. Nice stash! I look forward to seeing it become ‘things’ if you feelthe need to destash any Bendigo Rustic (if you have any) later in the year,let me know 🙂

  4. I think I may have you beat by twice as much! Unfortunately I don’t have a plan for all of mine. I have two walk-in closets full… and I didn’t pay a dime for any of it!!! :))

    I discovered that I accidentally erased some of my blog posts with pictures of my knitted projects…. I’ll never delete anything off the blog again!

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