I’m Not Stupid After All!

My second order of weaving yarn arrived last night, and something about it seemed a little odd. Oh, the cotton warp for rag rugs was what I expected, and the colour of the cotton for tea towels was perfect. But something wasn’t right.

This morning I carted my haul upstairs, dug out the first order of cotton for tea towels and discovered the cones are completely different sizes. What’s more, the yarn in the original batch was thicker than the new stuff.

So I typed “Lingarn” and “Bomullsgarn” into Google Translator and it came up with “Linen yarn” and “Cotton yarn”.

I’d received linen yarn not cotton in the first order. And it’s about double the thickness of the cotton. No wonder my calculations weren’t making sense! I’ve contacted the shop to see about exchanging the linen for the cotton it was meant to be, and it’s all being sorted.

Mind you, the thinness of the cotton is even more intimidating. Is it really possible to make tea towels with thread this thin without the warping and weaving taking a year?