Chocolate Cherry Mitre Vest

I tried to photograph this yesterday, but had problems getting a shot that wasn’t half washed out. It was 40 degrees yesterday (‘that’s 105 in the old language’, as my mum says) and I had the blinds down to keep out the heat. But when I opened them the light was too bright for photos.

As you can imagine, there was no way I was putting it on in that heat, even with the aircon on. So I’m making do with shot of it on my foam blocking square:

And here’s the back:

And a close-up of the diamond:

Yarn: The Knittery 4ply merino in ‘chocolate cherry’ – 2 skeins
Needles: 2.75 straights, circ and dpns
Inspired by: Miter Sweater by Wendy of Wendy Knits
Comments: I learned that mitres are fun! Despite this using thinner yarn and needles than I usually prefer, and taking a lot longer than most projects this size would, I never got sick of the mitre squares. I even considered knitting a fold-down collar out of them, so I could do some more.

There are a couple of mitres on the back that turned out darker than the rest, and I’m tempted to duplicate stitch over parts of them to make them match better. But for now I’ll leave them as they are, and see if it still bothers me when the weather has cooled down enough for wearing vests.

6 thoughts on “Chocolate Cherry Mitre Vest

  1. What an interesting garment. It’s been intriguing, watching it grow. Now I just have to wait for all the other projects on my needles to finish themselves(!) and I can experiment with this technique too.

  2. Your vest looks great: I love all the mitres, and especially the diamond in the back. Isn’t the weather just too hot???

  3. m1k1 – lol! good luck with those projects. You could sneak a small mitre project in. Perhaps a washcloth?

    2pay – thanks. Waaaay too hot. I just gave in and put the aircon on, and it’s only 8:30 am!

  4. Sorry, that should have been ‘2paw’, not ‘2pay’! My fingers don’t like to obey me this time of morning.

  5. Gosh, it looks so bitty but I’ve enjoyed mitred projects before (albeit small ones!). Weather looks a bit cooler there today – imagine if you lived in Adelaide instead!

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