The River Flows Slowly

I’m not even halfway through the collar. But it’s not one to rush. It’s big and has lots of cables. I’m rather partial to big collars and lots of cables. So it’ll be worth it in the end.

I’ve started my yearly knitwear washing. In Spring each year I hand wash each piece of knitwear, block on a towel on the dining table, and de-pill before packing it away ready for next autumn. Removing skin cells, sweat, food spills, etc., imbuing all with yummy lavender and eucalyptus scent, helps to keep the moths away – at least it has so far. And it’s extra necessary this year because Peri Peri got a bit dribbly before he died.

De-pilling hasn’t been happening because I can’t find my nifty de-pilling comb/scraper thingo. I’m thinking of photographing each piece and blogging about it as I go. See which I still love, and which hasn’t worn so well.