Warped and Potty

The last couple of nights I’ve been trying to remember that trick with the Knitters Loom the lady at Wondo told me about. Except I’ve clearly left it too long and my memory had gone all hazy.

Eventually, after rewarping the loom about ten times, I gave up and tried another method where you select warp threads you want to skip over by pushing them down as the shuttle takes the weft through, creating a pattern:

There’s been a bit of unweaving and reweaving, but I seem to have the knack of it now. Next I want to try getting a herringbone pattern with two colours. And I have a strange and unexpected itch to weave a tea towel, which I suspect is the weaver’s version of the washcloth – a good simple gift for friends and family.

I picked up some dpns at The Wool Shop today. The second sleeve of the Diagonal Stitch Cardy is nearing the cuff and I didn’t want to wait for the needles I won on ebay to arrive. I doubt they’ll be here soon, since the seller still hasn’t contacted me to confirm the price and they live on the east coast of the States.

And now, a lilium:

Growing among car parts:

A while back I photographed the nasturtiums that had sprung up in a pile of rubbish from the house renos. The pile is gone, but an idea has been lurking in the back of my mind, brought to the fore by these flower pots that were put among the car bits for want of space.

With the beau’s interest in cars, I suspect there’s always going to be a few piles of ugly, oily bits around the yard that could do with some flowery concealment. Probably best to use pots than have the beau discover his engine has become entangled with plants, though. Hmm.