Wild and Unrestrained Stash Enhancement

First there was a visit to the Australian Country Spinners mill shop in Wangaratta.

Where I practised my stash manifesto promise that I’d buy enough, and bought heaps of burgundy and brown Inca, blue 8ply and some aqua Patonyle from the ‘tangled yarns’ bin.

Then once we were in Canberra, we had to pop into Stitch’n’time.

Where I bought ten balls of Cleckheaton Bamboo in white, Merino et Soi in cream, Naturally Sensation in a creamy white, Lang Jawoll sock yarn in a purple/black mix and a set of Brittany Birch dpns.

(Then this morning I cursed my way through working out how to take photos in a format my laptop would accept, edit them, find the progam didn’t save the editing, and ended up just uploading them as they are. Which is why one is sideways. Sigh.)

I know some other knitters at this convention have smuggled along a wip. There’s going to be a bit of KIP going on in the audience of panels, in dark corners and out in broad daylight the incandescent light of the convention centre lobby, I suspect.

4 thoughts on “Wild and Unrestrained Stash Enhancement

  1. R-E-P-R-E-S-E-N-T!!!
    and then you can grab your ‘proselytiser’ badge for your knitting scout activities, and come back from your convention secure in the knowledge that you have demonstrated the joy of having something else to do when convening!
    ps not mentioning jealousy of stash enhancement. that just goes without saying!! teal sock yarn. *le sigh*

  2. That is some mighty fine stash enhancement. I haven’t tried the Cleckheaton Bamboo yet, so I’m interested to see how well it knits up.

  3. Oooh, nice haul! Hope the KIP went well. It’s always affirming to be one of a number knitting out loud.

  4. Jeepers! Cleckheaton have a bamboo yarn? Why the hell am I in the USA when there are so many good yarns at home!
    Nice haul! Jealous!

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