Excuse Me While My Head Tries to Explode

I’ve been a bit under the weather the last few days. After a nasty reaction to some cough mixture the local pharmacist recommended, I wound up with a rather spectacular sinus infection. I’m feeling much better today, with the skull expanding headache only lingering in the background now.

There was sock knitting. Oh yes. I finished the first Simple Ribbed Socks sock:

(No, I haven’t sewed the ends in yet.)

The Pointed Toe is very long compared to the toes I normally knit, and does an interesting spirally thing…

The Dutch or Horseshoe heel is very square and narrow. I’m not sure this is going to suit my feet, but I won’t be judging the socks until the second is finished and I wear them for a day.

Last night I turned the heel of the second sock.

At the same time there has been steady progress with the Mosaic Socks.

These are a slower knit, since every rows is worked twice. The mosaic style of knitting is interesting, but I reckon fair isle would be faster because you only work the row once for both colours. The heel will be added later, so there’s a row of waste yarn where it will go.

Once I finish the Simple Ribbed Socks I’ll start a new sock. To ensure I can get started as soon as possible I’ve wound the Jitterbug into a cake…

… ready and waiting to do these…

Ripple Weave Socks in Vogue Fall 2006.

3 thoughts on “Excuse Me While My Head Tries to Explode

  1. oh, nice sockage!! Have been looking at Ripple Weave for some navy/ dark green/ dark red heathered Heirloom Argyle 4ply.. Looking forward to watching your choice take shape!

  2. Oh hope you are feeling better soon! sinus pain is awful. The socks look grt, you are whizzing along with them

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