The Thing

My hands are much better and I managed a few rounds of Liquorish Allsorts last night. Unfortunately my back and neck are doing their usual trick – as soon as one muscle group stops hurting another one starts. Panadeine is my friend.

Yesterday, during one of my rest breaks, I worked up some designs for a… a Thing. Basically, it’s a device to wind yarn around in preparation for space-dyeing. I wanted to make something that not only lets me measure and wind the big loops needed without getting out of my chair, but also allows me to measure and count the rows as I wind, can be used for repeats of up to 20 rows, and is small and compact. I’d heard that a warping board could be used, but I wanted something even more compact. The Thing I have designed can be folded up to the size of a collapsed camera tripod.

The trouble is, work and preparing for house renovations is going to keep me busy night and day for the next few weeks, and one of the tasks we have to do in preparation for the renovations is pack away all woodworking tools. I have to find time to make it soon, or it could be months before I can!

The other problem I have is: what the heck should this Thing be called? Any suggestions?