Works in Progress

I see Blogger is behaving again today. And I don’t have to sign into Google. No sign of Google. Now I’m beginning to worry that this whole sign up with Google thing was a fake and some spammer now has my email address… except that I’m not getting any spam. Maybe it was an antispam spammer.

Here’s my handspun:

I’ve upset the cat today. I got up an hour early because I was just lying there, not sleeping. He’s used to me feeding him first thing so now he’s convinced I’m neglecting my duties.

The beau was going to work from home but changed his mind because at work they have more gutsy aircon. Hmph!

The Grey Kimono Top:

It’s too early to be working, and it took me all of about two minutes to check all my favourite blogs for new entries. I’m bored. I want more bloggy goodness. You should all get up and write fascinating long posts to keep me entertained. Now.

The Don’t Sweat It socks (the idea was to make simple, easy-breezy socks, but when I realised the yarn doesn’t have much sproing I added ribbing… lots of ribbing):

It seems one of the down sides of getting all enthused about knitting from my stash is a bad case of cast-onitis. I want to knit everything now. When my gauge swatch for the Vero jumper revealed I’m knitting a touch tight for the pattern, I decided to knit the size larger rather than go up a needle size, because I’m using the next size up needle for the Kimono Top. I cast on a pair of fingerless mitts, but frogged when I decided that yarn was also too scratchy. (I’m afraid the Naturally merino silk blend I made Fetching out of has set a high standard.)

And I started another pair of socks, in Liza Souza’s ‘wild things’ colourway. It is soooo purty:

As soon as the weather cools down from freakin’ hot to bearable I’ll probably cast on the Vero jumper as well. By then the cotton socks ought to be finished, so it’s not like I’m adding more to my wip list… right?

2 thoughts on “Works in Progress

  1. I have a new blog, I can guarantee you haven’t read it before. Unfortunately, I (and all of us) have to wait for the weekend so I can figure out how to get pictures out of my camera.

  2. I know how you feel: the same thing happened to me this morning – no new posts on my KAL site, no comments on my own blog, which is new so you probably haven’t seen it before. Please drop in sometime.

    Like you, I am also a member of the craft-forum run by Brad Buchel but nothing much is happening there either 🙁

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