Jest gettin’ it done

Post vigorous, sometimes agonising massage my back is stiff and sore, but my hands are fine. I knit for a couple of hours last night and felt no pain. Yay!

You know how I hate sewing? No? Well, I used to sew a lot. I was quite obsessive. I was known for dragging out the material stash the morning before a party, sitting at the machine all day, and doing the final hand sewing on the way to the party, where I would change into my new top or dress or skirt on arrival.

Sometime in my 20s I suddenly realised I loathed sewing. At some point I overdid it, and I couldn’t even mend a garment without ending up in a foul mood. But last weekend I came to the awful realisation that the only costume I could think of for this year’s New Year’s party, “Comedy and Comedians”, was a jester costume, which meant I’d have to make it. So I gritted my teeth, bought material and got the overlocker out of storage. On Monday night I had this:

A jester dress, hat and boot/stocking things.

It wasn’t quite the trial I expected it to be. I think that may have a lot to do with having inherited the overlocker. The ‘stretch’ stitches on my sewing machine have always been a source of much frustration.

Today we have the architect and builder coming over to discuss how much of the extension has been done, how much ought to be done by now, and the details of what still needs to be tackled.

I just want this gone:

So I can retire this:

And buy one of these:


It would be nice to have aircon that didn’t slow the car down to a crawl. And door seals, so the cold wind doesn’t whistle through during winter. And paint. Nice shiny paint instead of the “suede grey duco” the Camira has evolved.

(Can’t complain too loudly, though. Friends gave me the Camira in exchange for a painting back when I was so broke I couldn’t afford to buy a car. It’s surprisingly fun to drive, and a great car to have if you move house a lot.)

2 thoughts on “Jest gettin’ it done

  1. Ah yes, a feeling I know well. The “not-quite-complete-renovation-leaving-part-of-your-property-looking-like-a-tip” sensation.

    Fingers, toes and knitting needles crossed for you.

  2. The skip is coming today… we hope.

    The demolition rubbish I can accept, the offcuts I can accept, it’s the fast food wrappers, cans and mouldy food scraps that I object to.

    I had the bins out by the gate they’d leave through every day, but they’d only use them every six weeks or so, and then they’d put all the mouldy food scraps and plastic wrap in the recycling bin… which I then had to empty and put into bags in the rubbish bin. Urk. Eventually I gave up, locked the bins in the cat run and figured I was better off with the rubbish in the pile.

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