Chocolate Yarn; Chocolate Socks

Look what arrived yesterday:

The Knittery’s new line of merino cashmere sock yarn. Oh my. This is delectable stuff.

The merino sock yarn is about the weight of Sunshine Yarns or Opal. The merino cashmere sock yarn is more like Lisa Souza’s sock yarn. It’s sproingy. It’s an appealing mix of softness and robustness, and should make very warm socks.

A chocolate skein:

A chocolate cake:

A chocolate sock:

I had intense chocolate cravings as I knit this last night. I think the pattern might have to start with a warning.

5 thoughts on “Chocolate Yarn; Chocolate Socks

  1. The socks look very yummy! I’m glad that you’re happy with the wool. Enjoy and can’t wait to see the finished chocolate socks!

  2. stunning stunning stunning

    I just ordered the merino sock yarn in the same colour yesterday! Ooh it looks crummy!!!

    I should wait till you do your choc sock pattern and do it in that!

  3. So pretty! The chocolate socks are going to be great!

    Dammit, now I’m hungry. Yes, this pattern definitely needs a warning label.

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