Some attempted aquisitions

Look what I’m wearing today:

I finally got my Snicketation. (What’s worse, having Devo or Rolling Stones songs doing the rounds in your head while knitting?)

Now the needles are free for more chocolate sock action. Speaking of chocolate sock action, I popped into Spotlight yesterday to buy a second ball of Patonyle in cream so I could make the pair for the white chocolate socks. The amount of yarn on sale seemed to have shrunk. Aisles and piles of acrylic and novelty yarn, and not a lot else. And I couldn’t find the Patonyle. Finally I gave in and asked where it was. Discontinued, I was told. Go look in the bargain bin.


I shall not contemplate the white chocolate sock never meeting it’s mate. I shall instead distract myself with this:

Which is mine, once I pay the former owner for it. Paying isn’t the problem. Figuring out how much to pay is.

6 thoughts on “Some attempted aquisitions

  1. OOOh but I want some of those Snickets!!!

    And I must agree with your exclamation regarding Patonyle in the bargain bin!!!

  2. I’ve noticed that Spotlight seem more interested in selling kitchen utensils than yarn lately. What’s up with that? But even if the mega-chain has discontinued Patonyle, the manufacturers haven’t. I know Wondoflex stock it, and I hear a rumour that they have a sale on at the moment. Might be worth making a pilgrimage to Malvern.

  3. I bought some cream patonyle at Woolybutt in Heidelberg recently. If you’re not too fussed over dyelots, I could pick you up a ball.

  4. Wow, I am mighty impressed with the finished socks!! Look great!
    And I love the spinning wheel. Hope you can get going with it soon, its as addictive as knitting once you get into it….

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