Books Read in 2018

Slow Clothing Jane Milburn
Phantom Islands of the Atlantic Donald S. Johnson
Craeft Alexander Langlands
Indigo Catherine McKinley
The Perfect Red Amy Butler Greenfield
Deep Survival Laurence Gonzales
Superfreakonomics Stephen J. Dubner and Steven Levitt
Obsidio Aime Kaufman and Jay Kristoff
Turning the Tide on Plastic Lucy Siegle
The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Marie Kondo
Zero Waste Home Bea Johnson
Wear No Evil Greta Eagan
Waste Not Erin Rhodes
Raelia Lynette Noni
Draekora Lynette Noni
Graevale Lynette Noni
We Three Heroes Lynette Noni
Grandma Knows Best Jane Maple
Lady Helen and the Dark Days Deceit Alison Goodman
A Life Less Throwaway Tara Button

Twenty books. Five from the to-read pile and fifteen new. Six fiction books and fourteen non-fiction. The novels were new books by author friends. Many of the non-fiction were books mentioned in a previous book I’d read. I also started three more books but lost momentum, abandoning one and putting the others on hold.

My favourite fiction for the years was Lady Helen and the Dark Days Deceit, and Craeft was the most enjoyable non-fiction book. Wear No Evil may be the most useful – specifically Greta’s method of choosing clothing to buy. The only book I disliked was The Life Changing Magic of Tidying, which I read only to see if it was truly like what I’d been told (it was).

This year I hope to read a bit more fiction. I’m not sure there’s much more to gain from reading more ethical fashion and waste reduction books. What I’ve already read covered a lot of the same ground. I have plenty of books in the non-fiction to-read pile to take me in other directions. It’ll all depend on what I am doing after I finish working on The Book, as I find it hard to read fiction when I’m writing it.