Project Spectrum Chocolate!

For August Project Spectrum we had a choice between black, while or neutrals. I chose chocolate brown:

This is my favourite chocolate cake recipe. This means I’ve woven, knitted, crocheted, taken a photo graph, make jewellery and cooked for my Project Spectrum projects. It’s been fun thinking up new ways to express colour.

Looks yummy, doesn’t it? Here’s the recipe:

Mississippi Mud Cake

175 g dark chocolate, chopped
250 g butter, chopped
2 cups sugar
1 tbsp instant coffee
1 cup hot water
½ cup whisky
1 ½ cups plain flour
¼ cup SR flour
¼ cup cocoa
2 eggs, lightly beaten

1. Grease a 23cm slap pan, line bottom with paper, grease paper
2. Combine butter, chocolate, sugar, water, whisky and coffee in double saucepan and melt. Cool to lukewarm. Transfer to large bowl.
3. Gradually sift and stir in flours and cocoa. Add eggs.
4. Pour into pan. Bake in moderately slow oven (350F/180C) for 1 ¼ hours. Stand for 10 minutes before turning onto wire rack to cool. Dust with icing sugar.

2 thoughts on “Project Spectrum Chocolate!

  1. A friend follows this recipe, after tasting mine, but as she’s not really fond of any form of whiskey/bourbon etc, she uses Frangelico. That’s not bad either *g*

    I should email you my truffle cake recipe, lots of bother and time consuming, but so very worth it for a gathering.

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