Junk Mail Treasure

I’ve started regarding what arrives in the letterbox with new eyes. After seeing a couple of crafty uses for envelopes that bills and such come in – the ones with the ‘security’ pattern inside – I’ve started saving them. Suddenly there’s a little tingle of anticipation when the mailman arrives to see if I’ll find a new pattern.

Our local council sent us three free calendars. One we’re using, the other was too ugly and went in the recycling, and the pretty one full of local artist’s work has been cut up for use in projects. Like these:


More matchbook style notepads.

Buy or sign up to something, and they’ll try to rope you into buying or signing up to more. But these attempts just provided more fodder for crafting:


The Mini brochure became several notebooks of different sizes. Small ones to keep in my Mini, larger ones for Paul to use at the Mini Club.


The shopping list pads are bound to end up in something else.