Ideas Spilleth Over

Last year the nasturtiums spilled out of their garden bed, and this year they’ve done the same. I came to love them during the previous years, when the garden was a muddy, mess of discarded building materials, coke cans and moldy tradesmen’s lunches until the nasturtiums covered everything in green and brilliant orange.


Right now they are not unlike how things are going for me. Chaotic and overgrown, yet bountiful and inspiring. Unexpected beauty in a mess.

I’ve got ideas springing out of my ears right now. And this doesn’t help:


Yep, my book order arrived. (Well, part of it. The two art books apparently shipped last week but haven’t got here yet. This one shipped on Monday and arrived this morning.) home, paper, scissors is full of projects that use paper and card to make bowls, artwork, frames for artwork, light and candle shades, placemats, napkin rings, bags, books, stationary and decorations for the home.

The project on the cover got my attention straight away. I thought ‘I could make those with recycled paper’, and it turns out that is also a suggestion of the author. But I try not to buy a craft book just on the cover project. There has to be more. Snooping around on the internet got me a look at some of the inside projects. This caught my eye:


And this:


And once I got my hands on the book, I was also charmed by this:


And this:


(Though I probably wouldn’t do it as a wall hanging, since this is a house of a photographer and artist who both collect books. There’s enough competition for wall space already. I’m thinking cards – or the cover of a book.)

The paper flowers, frames and wall art don’t do anything for me, however. But there’s plenty in here I like, and plenty with recycling potential.