
I made these “Handy Spider Webs” last night:

Sometimes you need to take a break from worthy charity knitting and serious garment construction, and make something whimsical. The pattern is a Ravelry download.

I’ve also been enchanted by dust lately.

Yes. Dust.

Specifically, the dust under my table loom:

Which is rainbow coloured to match my Leftovers Blanket.

I did some more weaving on said blanket yesterday. No point taking pics, though. They’d look just like the last ones I took. Though the weaving is fun, every time I wind on the warp I can’t help hoping to see the ends come into sight. It seems like I’ve been weaving this for months and months. It’s starting to seem a little bit like the Neverending Warp.

And yet I’m a little reluctant to finish, as I can’t decide what to make next.

7 thoughts on “Webbed

  1. ooh, silvery.
    You could get a silver spider trinket and sew it in, that would be good…actually that’s an idea for a gift I think someone I know would like…

  2. Thanks, Amanda. They are fabulous! I’ve never been into crochet lace trim, but now I really want to edge something with these. Or join them together to make a scarf.

    Mind you, those parasols you make are gorgeous and amazing.

  3. Thank you. I must admit, I enjoy making my ladies for others. Seeing the enjoyment others get from them is fabulous. I’ll be getting back onto sewing more parasols after the wedding is over with. 🙂

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