No Short Term Satisfaction

A thought popped into my head yesterday that amused me:

“I want a new list. I don’t like the current one any more.”

I used to put my to-do list on LJ, but these days I have it in Evernote, which synchs to the iPhone app so I can consult it pretty much anywhere. After I got RSI I deleted a whole lot of things or altered them from ‘do thing myself’ to ‘get someone else to do thing’. What was left were the items I thought I really wanted to get done. The good part was it became a much shorter list. The bad part was that wanted actually meant needed for most items, and it’s not as much fun getting someone else to do things as doing them yourself.

I always knew that one of the benefits of craft and home improvement projects was that I get the satisfaction of finishing something far more often than I ever do with writing. The trouble I’m having at the moment is that even the things I’m doing myself are refusing to let me finish them.

Like Summer Solstice. Well, I’ve got rid of that item the other way – giving up on it – but that gave me no short term satisfaction.

Then there’s the painted vest. It needs to have bias binding sewn around the edges, something I find a chore so no point aggravating the RSI over it. I’ve found a laundromat that does alterations and is willing to do it for me for $35, but the first time I popped in it turned out I didn’t have enough bias tape and the second time I’d bought the wrong kind. I’m sick of the sight of this project now, even if the reason it’s taking so long to finish is because I’ve been a bit of a doofus.

It doesn’t help that the house improvement projects on the list are going nowhere as well. The garage project is crawling along. The concreter said we had to get the old carport’s legs removed completely, as the foundations need to go below ground level (and the drive is raised within a retaining wall. So we got a guy in to do that. Only he’s left his excavator behind, and the concreter is taking his time coming back to do a quote, and I’m beginning to wonder if the foundations are going to be ready by the time the garage turns up. And to think I was disappointed we had to wait five weeks for the garage to arrive.

We need to get our fence painted, our deck cleaned and oiled, the retaining wall our neighbours failed to fix replaced, and the garden and drainage on that side sorted, but it’s all waiting on the garage.

I’m finishing a pair of socks I started pre-RSI, and knitting some extra length onto a garment, but only half an hour to an hour per night so it’s slow going. The current weaving project requires several more hour long sessions. Even the book I’m reading is plodding along.

I swear, I’ll soon be washing the dishes or baking cookies just to get my project completion ‘fix’. I just want to get SOMETHING DONE!