The Opposite of Startitis

Normally when I’m close to finishing a large project I start looking through the stash, thinking about what I’ll make next. This time I didn’t. Possibly this is because of the Sock Challenge. Right when I was finishing Sunrise Circle I was putting as thought and planning into socks as I normally do for new non-sock projects.

I did get the itch to dye some yarn, however, and as usual I forgot to take a ‘before’ shot, so here’s the next best thing:

Yep, the camel yarn from the adopted stash. Some of it was cream, some the shade of worn denim. Into a dyepot of blue it went:

The resulting colour varies a little because of the two original shades, but not as much as I’d feared. It’s a bit ‘almost solid’ in places.

The yarn is supposed to be 8ply/dk, but is more like 5ply/sport. I suspect if I doubled it, it would be equal to either a thick 8ply/dk or 10ply/aran. And by doubling it, the variation in colour can be evened out a little.

I’ve been eyeing the Provincial Waistcoat pattern yet again. Will have to do a swatch.


I’ve knit the heel of the first Simple Ribbed Sock last night. My first Dutch/Horseshoe Heel. Not at all hard. In fact, not too different from the usual flap heel method. I’m onto the instep decreases now, looking forward to learning a new toe.