Shade Card Pom Poms


Thanks to moving house, preparing the old for sale, lots of unpacking and DIY at the new one, and work, I’ve now got a big flare up of RSI in my hands. And week before the work deadline. Sigh.

I’d been so looking forward to getting past the deadline and finally having time for some craft. Now I’m resting my hands (I shouldn’t be typing this), dying of boredom and my main form of creativity right now seems to be trying cocktail recipes (only one a night, mind you, unless Paul wants one).

Yesterday I tidied up the craft room a little. Looking at some of the stuff in my refashion/repurpose piles, I came upon the leftover shade cards from my Yarn Shade Card Blanket. I got to wondering if I could turn them into pom poms. It seemed like it would be very quick and not too fiddly, so I gave it a go. Lo and behold, it worked.

Two things I found worth noting: cable yarns don’t form fluffy pom poms, and wool yarn doesn’t seem to be as good as cotton at staying in a tight knot.

Not only did I have leftovers, but new cards that had become obsolete (or contain mohair, so I won’t be buying the yarn) since I made the blanket. Plenty to choose from:


I cut away all the paper except a narrow strip where the yarn was attached:


Then I rolled it up:


Into a nice little coil:


I tied it twice, flipping it over for the second knot, as tight as I could manage:


Then I pushed the string to the centre and trimmed off the paper strip:


A gave it a haircut to even up the strands:




But the mix of colours on a Bendigo Woollen Mills sample card tend to divide into pastels and darker colours, which don’t always go together well. I decided to try cutting up the cards and combining similar sets of colours:


And that worked, too!


Which is great, because some of the sample cards are of novelty yarns that aren’t going to make good pom poms. I can combine them with other yarns…

… when my hands recover. Even this small, fast project left me sore. I can see a long, boring, craftless summer ahead.

One thought on “Shade Card Pom Poms

  1. What great idea! I usually just give my old shade cards to a childcare centre for kiddy craft.

    Much sympathy on the RSI – hope the flare subsides quickly and that you find something non-aggravating that you can enjoy doing. One cocktail a night is no replacement for craft.

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