A few years ago I ordered five years worth of Handwoven magazine as digital issues. They came on cds so I still had to wait for them to arrive. I never quite got around to reading them all, so I didn’t rush to buy more. Part of the problem was that the files weren’t all named in the same way, or even in a similar way. I’d try to keep track of what I’d read by reading a year at a time, but with all the issues out of order I kept losing my place.
I finally got around to renaming them recently. Then I noticed that Interweave was having a sale and I could buy another five year’s worth – four and then fill the holes in more recent years – for around $60. So I had even more renaming to do, but it was worth it. Suddenly I was tearing through them, five or ten issues a night.
It’s been interesting see the trends that have come and gone over the last 12-13 years. Chenille. Deflected double weave. “What is a blog?” articles. The inclusion of more rigid heddle projects. The Ashford Knitters Loom (January 2006). Ponchos! More in depth articles. Reader challenges.
When I first started buying the magazine there was so much in it that was beyond me. There’s still so much that’s a mystery. Nearly everything was directed at experienced weavers. Heck, I’m not a newbie any more but I’m a long way from calling myself ‘experienced’.
At the Guild a few weeks back I was asked where I’d learned to weave. I said I was mostly self-taught as there wasn’t much on offer about weaving at the Guild when I began. I learned and was inspired by blogs, videos, weavers forums on Ravelry, a couple of books and Handwoven magazines.
Two friends have asked me for advice or lessons recently, and that’s had me feeling more inspired to weave. I’ve moved the table loom down into the tv room to use on days too hot to be in the workroom – there certainly have been plenty of those lately! – and have a doubleweave blanket in progress.
After the huck scarf and the lessons, I’m beginning to wonder if I’m ready to upgrade my table loom to 8 shafts. There’s still a lot I haven’t tried yet with 4-shafts, though. Perhaps I should set myself a list of weave structures to try before I do.
Can you come to my house this summer and help me get started on my 4ft loom?
Lol! Thanks for the invite, but you live considerably further away than Canberra!
If you do come across a rigid heddle loom going cheaply, then grab it. I reckon they are a much easier introduction to weaving.
I have a 18″ tabletop loom. I’ve used twice. The big one is intimidating. My main problem is my job. It sucks the creative mojo right out of me. After a 30-45 minute commute home every day I just don’t feel very creative. I’m amazed when I get 3-4 rows of sock knitting done before I go to bed.
Yeah, weaving isn’t very good ‘crash at the end of the day’ crafting. You have to, as I like to say, make a date with the loom. I can get a lot done by breaking it into smaller tasks, measuring a warp in ten minute stretches, threading in half hours, weaving an hour each weekend. It requires planning, though, and planning needs a non-tired mind.