On Sunday Paul and I went to the Camberwell Market, which is a trash and treasure style market with everything from antiques sellers to garage sale style stalls, second hand goods to hand made work. I wasn’t looking for anything in particular. It was somewhere for us go together other than Bunnings, that would get us out of the house and in the sun. And we both enjoy a bit of fossicking.
Almost immediately I found this for $5:
A cousin of mine is having a racing day themed wedding. Of course, with the Spring Racing Carnival and the Melbourne Cup coming around again, there are lots of hats and dresses about. I liked the simplicity of this hat, though I’m not sure yet how it’s supposed to be worn.
I took a liking to this belt for $12:
And I’ve always had a bit of a soft spot for glass paperweights, though I prefer abstract shapes and this intense blue:
I didn’t find any racing day style dresses that I liked and would fit, but I picked up this skirt for $4:
The back is nice, but the front…
These are definitely coming off:
And then I’ll have to take it in.
The big score of the day was this leather jacket:
It’s a rather small XL, so it fit perfectly over my cardigan. It was in new condition and the owner wanted $180 for it. I managed to talk her down to $150, probably because the market was about to close.
Slinky approves.
Looking for gold (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fossicking). I had no idea this was a local term until I looked it up just now!
I knew it wasn’t local for me. We call it shopping.
Lol! It’s a particular kind of shopping, where you scratch around through old stuff looking for treasure.