Pencil Case

This is the fourth of the little sewing projects I decided to try, and the first failure.

How is it a failure? Well, it’s supposed to have dividers. I gave up on them when I realised they weren’t going to attach at the bottom, so the contents of the case would get mixed up anyway. Why struggle through inserting it when there was no advantage to be had.

Also, the instructions were pretty dodgy. When you get to the dividers it says something like “from here you’ll have to watch the video”. Maybe if I had, I’d have noticed the non-attached dividers problem. But then I wouldn’t have made what turned out to be a nice little pencil case.

It might not have dividers, but it does open up fully to create two ‘trays’, making it easy to grab the contents with one hand, and not have to searching for the thing you want.

Would I make it again? Maybe. The bias binding around the inner seam is fiddly, and I wonder if it’d be easier to have a non-attached lining or no lining at all. It’s definitely not a ‘whip this up as a last minute gift’ kind of project. But it is useful and the cute potential with the right fabrics is high.