Lately I’ve been catching up on gardening with the help of a friendly and much-fitter-than-me gardener. My weeks seem to involve one day on which physical work happens, after which the rest of the days are spent recovering whilst also tackling the usual commitments. I am certainly not as young as I used to be.
Weekends are for resting. And craft. How complex that craft is depends on how many days into the recovery I am. My brain seems to be the last part of me to heal. Last Sunday I was energetic enough to try a few small sewing projects.
The first was two microwave bowl cosies. Pattern here.

The second was a triangle bag from the YouTuber “Pin Cut Sew”. Episode here.

The bowl cosies must be made from 100% cotton fibre, batting and thread to be microwavable. I know the thread and batting are, and the batik fabric should be, but the lining fabric is a bit of a guess. Fingers crossed it doesn’t melt!
The triangle bag is such a quick, easy project. Even so, I managed to cut the wrong size and got a wonky bag, but then it was easy to just resew one seam to correct that. Next time I’ll make a template.
There are two more sewing patterns I want to try, but first… more gardening. Sigh.