The last weeks of June and first of July were unusually cold for the time of year, and we spent them huddled inside. The last few days of the month were also pretty bracing.
During the month we had some better lights installed in the kitchen/dining room, which made it MUCH easier to see. I have to admit, I’m now moving to the kitchen table to work when the lights in the craft room aren’t good enough.
And on the craft front… After a brief flirtation with topstitching by hand I returned to the easier sewing by machine method. I held a Craftmas afternoon on the last weekend, and was so tired from the week before that I just sat and slow stitched because it was all my brain was capable of. In fact, slow stitching is the main craft I did in July. Once set up, I just take out the latest thing when I have the inclination, pick a thread colour and stitch, and get working.