Having cut off what I’d woven of the Braided Scarf on the Knitters Loom, I needed to decide what to do with the remaining warp. It was threaded at a sett for creating two layers of cloth, so double what would be needed if I wove a single layer, but I didn’t want to continue weaving double weave. So I re-threaded the loom.
At first I thought I might still weave three strips and braid them, but the prospect didn’t inspire me. So I went stash diving for other red yarns to see if that gave me ideas. I found a marled yarn and a boucle.
Then I looked at the to-do list on this blog and saw “Try weaving sword”. Yes! That’s what I would do. I wound some of the boucle yarn on to a shuttle and decided to add a pick every fifth row to hopefully make the wavy weft stand out more.
I loved the result. It was much faster to weave, too. Which I generally did while watching the news of an evening – reports of the lava flow in Hawaii inspired the scarf name. Or rather, cowl. Having cut off the double weave section and rethreaded to the width of the loom, the resulting fabric was a bit short and wide for a scarf, so I flipped one end over and knotted the fringe together.
I gave it a quick soak in woolmix and hung it up to dry, and the wavy pattern seems to have stayed put.
I can really see the lovely wavy pattern! It’s very lava in colour too!