2014 Art & Craft

So, looking ahead, what do I see in my arty-crafty-diy future?

More portraits
It took only a few hours to finish Cat’s portrait – close enough to say I did two portraits in 2013. Just two, however. I’d like to increase that and I think the key is to work on two at once. I’ve got to get around to pinning subjects down so I can take reference photos.

Photo albums
I really need to get on top of these. I have trips back as far as 2011 that I haven’t made albums for. I’d like to set up an easy way to do it and start making a regular yearly ‘everything else’ album.

Refashioning & Sewing
It’s currently my biggest to-do list. I want to make use of my new-ish customised dress model, too.

I’m doing a mini tapestry weaving course in a few weeks and I’ve arranged to fly up to Canberra at the end of the month to teach a friend how to use a 2nd hand 4-shaft loom she bought last year. And now that the ruanna is off the loom it’s free for a new project.

Papercraft & Printing
My new Silhouette cutter is calling, as is the stamp making kit that I bought for it.

I’ve had a metal clay kit for over a year now. Well past time I tried it!

Machine Knitting
The Bond and Passap have been neglected for some time, and not for lack of yarn. I don’t want to forget how to use them!

So I’ve already lined up two new crafts to try (tapestry weaving and metal clay) and a big project (photo albums). There’s plenty of sewing to do and urge to not let established crafts languish. So business as usual, really!

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