Chatty Fidget

I’ve had a LiveJournal blog since 2005, which I’ve been using as a kind of private diary that friends can see. Unfortunately LJ had grown a bit dodgy (apparently due to hackers) and most of my friends have abandoned it for Facebook or Twitter – neither of which would suit the sorts of posts I was writing in LJ.

So I’m going to write those sorts of posts here instead. Well, not the really personal ones. Just the day to stay stuff, like the last post about cat shelters. The arty crafty posts will still happen, too, but judging by the number of visitors and comments I get, they weren’t getting me a huge audience anyway.

I’d like to select a new theme, but last time I tried that I nearly lost the entire blog and I don’t have time to fix it if that happens again. To tidy things up, I have removed most of the links to blogs in the sidebar (I have their RSS feeds all bookmarked anyway), reduced the categories and added a few new ones. I’m sure I’ll be adding more as I try out this new approach.

So if you’re a regular visitor, or a friend coming here from the link on LJ, I hope you’ll enjoy a more chatty, personal Creative Fidget.