Ton of Wool

I found the Ton of Wool project a few days ago and managed to get a pledge in just before it reached it’s goal. Well, it seems people can still pledge, so there was no rush.

The issues of local/vs overseas yarn processing have been of interest to me for some years now. I try to buy locally produced yarn, only making an exception when I want something I can’t find a good local substitute for (or when I’m on holidays – actually, mostly on holiday; I hardly ever mail order yarn).

The goal was a third of the cost of getting the wool processed. Though they’ve reached it, you could make a pledge as a way to pre-order the yarn. I’m assuming the final amount will be used as a deposit toward a loan for the rest to be paid back as the yarn sells, or some such similar arrangement. So I’m guessing there’s a way to go before the yarn is made. There’s a Ravelry and Facebook group where updates on the project will be posted.