Thinking Wishful

Caroline from Destroy My Sweater posted a knitterly wish list for Santa on Sunday, which got me thinking. What would I wish for?

At first I found myself listing things like ‘more time and energy’ and ‘never to see or hear from the builder again’ and ‘for bloggers and podcasters to keep blogging and podcasting so I don’t get bored working through Christmas/New Year’. But I don’t think that’s the sort of thing I’m supposed to be listing. So…

1. A beginner weaving class. The Handweavers and Spinners Guild are running one in January but I can’t make it, so it would be great if they ran it again during the year.

2. A friendly local source of 100% silk yarn that comes in great colours, a variety of weights, knits up well and comes at a price that doesn’t equal third world debt.

3. Bags for sock projects, so I can just pick one up and pop it into my handbag when leaving the house.

2 thoughts on “Thinking Wishful

  1. I hope some of these wishes will come true for you! I’ll be away from my family this Christmas so blogging will be all I’ll have to do except for work so my blog should be active!

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