Beta tester

I decided to take a gamble and order the Ashford Knitting Loom.

This is not normal behaviour for me. I’m a cautious buyer. I like to see my purchase before I buy it. I prefer to buy from a shop than mail order, even if it costs a little more. All my efforts to see the loom have failed, however.

Ashford’s website is great. It looks professional, which is something you want to see if you’re going to trust your visa card number to anyone. In fact, the loom is featured on the home page and there’s lots of juicy info and pictures that would get a knitter-interested-in-weaving’s tastebuds going. You think “where can I get one!” and go to the ordering information page and click on ‘Australia’.

And you end up at a site with broken images and lurid colours that can’t seem to make up it’s mind whether it’s a tourist site or shop. It hardly inspires confidence.

But that’s silly, isn’t it? I’m judging a book by it’s cover. I used to work as a graphic designer, and have a qualification in promotion that covered all sorts of advertising methods. I know a shabby image can be a clue to a business’s general attitude. Mind you, slick advertising can also be a cover-up for shonky service… but I’ve digressed.

I emailed Ashford (who have been wonderfully helpful) to ask if I could see the loom anywhere in Melbourne). They gave me the name of a shop, but it turned out the shop doesn’t keep them in stock. They’ll order one in, but made it clear they won’t just so I could have a look at it.

I emailed Ashford again, and they helpfully posted me a really interesting magazine and this sexy little brochure (that made my designer heart sing):

And there was a catalogue and order form for the shop with the appalling website.

A little internal battle ensued, in which I decided that the catalogue wasn’t off-putting, which proved the shop was no bigger risk than any other, and that if I didn’t like the loom I could always sell it on E-bay.

At this point I’d put in far more effort in than any spontaneous buyer would. The graphic designer in me has been alternately appalled and delighted by what I’ve encountered trying to buy this loom. I can’t help wondering how Ashford expect to sell them. Surely they can afford to send one sample loom to one knitting store in Melbourne. I’d be prepared to travel to see it.

Anyway. Rant over. I’ve ordered one. When it arrives I’ll blog my accessment and post photos.

One thought on “Beta tester

  1. Wow! After such a large, internal battle, I hope the loom is so much more than what you expected.

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