What can I take a photo of?

There’s no knitting, weaving or spinning stuff to photograph. What will I snap instead? Hey, look at the rash I’ve got:

All doubts I’m allergic to latex are gone. This is after the ‘hypo-allergenic’ bandaid had been removed for 24 hours. This rash is so darn neat and well defined. I could cut shapes from bandaids and make pictures or words on my body… if I could stand the itching.

Now, to help you get over the shock of seeing my inflamed skin:

My writing supervisor.

Smiling for the camera.

One thought on “What can I take a photo of?

  1. Great rash! Love the delineation 🙂 Reminds me of the rash I got from an antiseptic skin wipe – two lovely rectangles that itched like billy-o!

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