Knitting Porn

The newsagent where I have the highest success rate of finding magazines is the one at Brentford Square in (I think) Vermont South. Today I found Vogue Knitting (which I haven’t seen in months!) and the new Yarn magazine. I haven’t read VK yet, because I like to put our new Aussie mag first. So…. Yarn…

Oh. Dear.

Is it just me, or are all these garments incredibly frumpy?

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not complaining that they have catered only for the larger lady. But these designs – intense horizontal stripes, emphasis on the bust through lighter colours and clingy ribbing, and the sag-implying awfulness of chevron stripes – can only make the wearer look larger. And some of these would make a supermodel look enormous.

I’m so disappointed. I really, really wanted to like Yarn magazine. I wanted there to be a tasteful counterpoint to teenybopper trendy Crapacious Knitting. But this is seriously off-putting.

At least it’s cheaper than most knitting magazines. I can still justify buying it for the articles (which are pretty good so far) and the ads for local stores.

6 thoughts on “Knitting Porn

  1. I haven’t seen the new ‘Yarn’ mag yet, but the last one was actually quite good. It was devoted to socks, and there were quite a few decent patterns and interviews. I’m sorry to hear that the latest one is crap.

    I’m looking forward to seeing how the ‘chocolate’ socks go!

  2. Yes, I liked the sock issue very much. And I’ve read nearly all the articles of the latest issue and they’re all very good. Just the patterns… frumpatrocious.

    Of course, Vogue goes in the other direction. Some lovely stuff and some stuff that is waaaaay down the wierd and silly side of trendy.

    Oh how I miss ‘You Knit What?’

  3. I fear you have the right of it – whilst the articles make for some interesting reading, I have not been hit with intense desire for any of the patterns, more like mild interest in the make-it-up-as-you-go-crochet hat.. I think they were so excited about the Big Girl Knits that they lost the edge a little this time. Loved the Beanie festival pics though!

  4. I agree. I would really really like to support this mag, but the patterns!! I just couldn’t bring myself to buy it!

  5. Hey Chocolate Trudi, lovely to find your blog (haven’t posted on mine since May!) We must do that dye day! Lisa

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